Spletne strani

Dynamic webpages

I started with web pages in 1997. After 2002 I got into php (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)  for dynamic/ generated web pages. The Radio Student web page was built on the basis of  PHP-Nuke cms (“content management system”) system. Over the years it was heavily modified – adapted for multimedia and large number of people using it – and made non-compatible (good against attacks…). It survived until about 2011, when it was replaced by a Drupal based system. Old site can be observed here http://old.radiostudent.si/

Simple system

In around 2004 I started to build up my own simplified  php cms – no database was used, first javascript html code editors were used for on-line editing. It has been used on a couple of commercial and a couple of non-commercial  sites. It has been regularly updated over the years and is still being used for individual projects at TRIVIA and here.

This would be a typical project:

Safehouse has menues and some forums:

Socialdress could be considered the maximum:
(template system is used for header, various contents, footer and optional menu)

Some other server side functional blocks were also added – the gallery system, the mp3 system. The  modern cms systems have all of these areas included as plugins.

Custom built systems:

In 2006/07 I started to work on a new multimedia cms platform, with optional selling mechanism, etc… as much as possible. It was based around a nice built bidding system PHPProBid. My demand was for a large number of supported formats, easy adaptability of the system and the database for any future needs/ scripts…

The first result was Trivia Records site launched in 2007 which is still going relatively strong.

The next is DIVA – digital video archive at SCCA Ljubljana – launched in 2009 – with over 1000 entries.

The third version one is a site specialized for photos – Philimages.com at PHOTON Ljubljana.

The three versions of the system above are a basis o f any kind of  large system, adaptable for any kind of use.

Compatible systems:

For any other use I decided to go along with WordPress cms. These are the wordpress pages:

http://www.3via.org/trivia/  Trivia Art Association

http://www.revijafotografija.si/  Revija Fotografija

http://www.cirkulacija2.org/  Cirkulacija 2 initiative

http://www.photonicmoments.net/  Ljubljana Photonic Moments Festival

http://www.zavod-ccc.org/  Zavod CCC (Zvonka Simčič)

https://www.turborebop.net/  Turborebopblog

http://www.europeanmonthofphotography.org/  EMOP – European Month of Photography

http://www.cafecreme-art.lu/  Cafe Creme Art  Luxembourg

There is a decent number of plugins for wordpress that i adapted or made. The plugins add some specific functionalities to the pages.

Zvočno oblačno

Zvočno oblačno

Zvočni oblak – Sound cloud ->https://www.turborebop.net/wp-cumulus.php

Wordpress plugin – BS Sound Cumulus Plugin

Visual sound jukebox mixer based on once prolific tagcloud plugins (wp-cumulus, wp-cirrus, …). Now this is turned into random html5 player of mp3 files that the plugin finds on the site.

Some statistics is used to evenly play excerpts of audio files. Clicking on the cloud item overrides this mode and plays the whole file. You can also specify a su... more

Metina lista: Borut Savski, graditelj strojev

Metina lista: Borut Savski, graditelj strojev
[Original at http://metinalista.si/borut-savski-graditelj-strojev/]

Borut Savski (foto: osebni arhiv BS)

1. Kdo si in kaj počneš? 

Borut Savski. Graditelj strojev – umetnik, programer, elektronik, po sili razmer mehanik, pogojno glasbenik, do nedavna tudi graditelj socialnih mrež (na klasičen način) – tudi neke vrste strojev, zadnje čase pa malo otožen – kam gre ta svet (Ivan Cankar se obrača v grobu…... more

WordPress plugins

Wordpress is a well-known and widely used CMS (content managment system) i came to prefer over other solutions. While quite basic it can be implemented with all kinds of functionalities. Usually this is done by plugins. Below are some plugins that use – mostly made  on my own and/or adapted versions of existing ones.

For translations I use updated version of Polyglot plugin

Plugin that helps you make your Wordpress powered web completely multilingual. With full support... more


[Original at http://www.e-arhiv.org/diva/]



About DIVA

DIVA Station (Digital Video Archive) focuses on collecting video material in three categories: art video, video documentation of art events, and video documentation of theoretical discussions and other sources which refer to contemporary art and provide a context for the examination of (in our case) video works.

DIVA Station is a physical and web archive of video and new-media art w... more

Trivia Records

Trivia Records

[Original at http://www.3via.org/records]

Trivia Records | Trivia zapisi

Trivia Records / Zapisi si online archiving, publishing facility for various formats – commonly known as multimedia or intermedia. A long-term project of Trivia Art Association.


New items at Trivia Records/Zapisi View all items

Theremidi Orchestra

Theremidi Orchestra was founded after a three-day theremin workshop at Ljudmila in May 2011. The hands-on electro noise ensembl... more

Trivia Art

Trivia Art

[Original at http://www.3via.org/trivia/]

Kulturnoumetniško društvo Trivia
Naslov: Križevniška 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

več »24.09.2013: Kiparstvo danes: Prenapete strukture v Celju V četrtek, 26. septembra ob 19. uri bo v Galeriji sodobne umetnosti Celje otvoritev 4. dela razstave Kiparstvo danes: Performativna telesa in okolja. Na razstavi s tremi dinamičnimi skulpturami iz serije Prenapete strukture sodeluje tudi Borut Savski.

Center sodobnih umetnos... more



[Original at https://www.turborebop.net/interfaces
or at https://absurdevidence.radiostudent.si/borut/]
“The Sonic Point of View” (2002)

mp3 selections

“Aestetic Machines” (2003)

“Sound Biotope” (1999)

Sound As Metaphore:

“Dancer/Plesalec” (2005)

“Oracle” (2004/5)

Bazooka/ Electric Jesus (2004)


collaborative works more