Spletne strani
Dynamic webpages
I started with web pages in 1997. After 2002 I got into php (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) for dynamic/ generated web pages. The Radio Student web page was built on the basis of PHP-Nuke cms (“content management system”) system. Over the years it was heavily modified – adapted for multimedia and large number of people using it – and made non-compatible (good against attacks…). It survived until about 2011, when it was replaced by a Drupal based system. Old site can be observed here http://old.radiostudent.si/
Simple system
In around 2004 I started to build up my own simplified php cms – no database was used, first javascript html code editors were used for on-line editing. It has been used on a couple of commercial and a couple of non-commercial sites. It has been regularly updated over the years and is still being used for individual projects at TRIVIA and here.
This would be a typical project:
Safehouse has menues and some forums:
Socialdress could be considered the maximum:
(template system is used for header, various contents, footer and optional menu)
Some other server side functional blocks were also added – the gallery system, the mp3 system. The modern cms systems have all of these areas included as plugins.
Custom built systems:
In 2006/07 I started to work on a new multimedia cms platform, with optional selling mechanism, etc… as much as possible. It was based around a nice built bidding system PHPProBid. My demand was for a large number of supported formats, easy adaptability of the system and the database for any future needs/ scripts…
The first result was Trivia Records site launched in 2007 which is still going relatively strong.
The next is DIVA – digital video archive at SCCA Ljubljana – launched in 2009 – with over 1000 entries.
The third version one is a site specialized for photos – Philimages.com at PHOTON Ljubljana.
The three versions of the system above are a basis o f any kind of large system, adaptable for any kind of use.
Compatible systems:
For any other use I decided to go along with WordPress cms. These are the wordpress pages:
http://www.3via.org/trivia/ Trivia Art Association
http://www.revijafotografija.si/ Revija Fotografija
http://www.cirkulacija2.org/ Cirkulacija 2 initiative
http://www.photonicmoments.net/ Ljubljana Photonic Moments Festival
http://www.zavod-ccc.org/ Zavod CCC (Zvonka Simčič)
https://www.turborebop.net/ Turborebopblog
http://www.europeanmonthofphotography.org/ EMOP – European Month of Photography
http://www.cafecreme-art.lu/ Cafe Creme Art Luxembourg
There is a decent number of plugins for wordpress that i adapted or made. The plugins add some specific functionalities to the pages.