

[Original at]

Borut Savski – Theremicro, Theremini – Capacitive proximity sensor I Products > Hard (viewed: 4233, purchased: 9)


Title: Theremicro – capacitive proximity sensor I.
Author: Borut Savski
Years of production: 2004/2008

The two versions presented here are for two different layouts of NAND gates (the CMOS 4011 and 74C00) that are the heart of this circui... more



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Laptop in a suitcase

This was a leisure time project that seems to help to get the mind off the more complicated art projects, but still fulfils some of the (necessary?) need for “creative” work.

What’s the hack? I had (and still have) an enormous box for my computer that served me well over the seven years, but it was a horror to transport it around. When my son bought a new co... more



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also at]

Borut Savski – Orakelj / Oracle

Žanr: Interaktivna zvočno-vizualna instalacija (postavitev)
Interactive sound&visual installation

as built & presented in december 2004/ january 2005 at Kiberpipa, Ljubljana

As seen during the building process in december 2004 What is mis... more

Zvok kot metafora

[Original at
also at]

Zvok kot metafora = Sound as Metaphore

object as concept – space as context
formation of an object (construction of conceptual body)
when does an object become a context (-> object is a space)
story as object translated back to time
Myth = meat
God = good
Man = mean
R... more

Orožje orodje

Orožje orodje

[Original at]

Borut Savski – prva od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora
Borut Savski – first of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore


at the SKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, february 2004

Prav zanimivo je, kakšne identitete (oziroma pomeni) so se pojavljali pri realiziranju tega zadnjega projekta, ki je pravzaprav lepljenka – kolaž marsikaterega p... more

Trivia Art

Trivia Art

[Original at]

Kulturnoumetniško društvo Trivia
Naslov: Križevniška 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

več »24.09.2013: Kiparstvo danes: Prenapete strukture v Celju V četrtek, 26. septembra ob 19. uri bo v Galeriji sodobne umetnosti Celje otvoritev 4. dela razstave Kiparstvo danes: Performativna telesa in okolja. Na razstavi s tremi dinamičnimi skulpturami iz serije Prenapete strukture sodeluje tudi Borut Savski.

Center sodobnih umetnos... more

Spectrum Ecology

[written for the occasion of ART & COMMUNICATION 2004 festival  in Riga / Latvia]

Spectrum Ecology
Looking from below – Seeing from above

It looks like the main point of this text is methodology of finding (one or more of) the complementary “views/ images” of the same topic. The new point of view has no absolute value. It however widens the horizon (-> looking/ seeing from above…). The complementary principle... more

Električni Jezus

Električni Jezus

[Original at
also at]

Borut Savski – druga od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – second of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore


Instalacijo sem zgradil neposredno med 45-minutnim (meta) predavanjem, ki je bilo že prej označeno kot performens. Objekt je bil le delno delujoč, vendar je b... more