Idejno-filozofsko-estetska zasnova:

Računalniški glasbeni algoritmi so bolj ali manj kompleksni zbiri ukazov, ki med velikim številom možnih odločitev z računalnikovo zmožnostjo velike hitrosti odločanja in z veliko mero variacij (zmožnostjo hitrega računanja) v realnem času proizvajajo muzikalične dogodke. Tej zvrsti glasbe se v sodobni glasbi od sredine stoletja pravi tudi aleatorična glasba (ko še ni bila neposredno vezana na računalniško okolje).




[Original at http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=9]

Borut Savski – Turborebop
Year of production: 1999, 2000

About the music
The edition should be one of the more interesting historical records in the area of computer algoritmic music, since it transfers the aleatorical principals of contemporary music in the seemingly more popular area of techno music (the subtitle of the records is also “tehne” – written as Greek).... more

KAKO SE ZNEBIŠ MAČOTA? soundtrack for short movie

KAKO SE ZNEBIŠ MAČOTA? soundtrack for short movie

[original at https://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=63]

Eight different ways how a perfectly normal dog can get rid of a pesty cat intruder. The ninth option is left to the discretion and imagination of the viewer – as we know Machot the cat has nine lives…

Director: Marjan Manček
Video montaža: Janez Bricelj
Composer: Borut Savski

Length: 9min
Format: 35mm
Colors: color
Format of image: standard
Year of prod... more