Prenapete strukture na Robotics Anteprima v Trstu

Prenapete strukture na Robotics Anteprima v Trstu

Člana Cirkulacije 2 Borut Savski in Stefan Doepner sva bila povabljena, da 6. decembra 2017 v Trstu/ Teatro Miela s svojimi avtorskimi objekti oličita predogled/ napoved festivala Robotics,ki se bo prihodnje leto zgodil v Trstu. Kuratorica festivala je Maria Campitelli in Gruppo 78.



Kitara za na pot

Kitara za na pot

Travel guitar is usually a short version of regular length guitar. In this case the strings are folded at the bottom and machine head is at the back. It is an electric guitar with a relatively wide fretboard (for my thick fingers) – basically a copy of the acoustic guitar that i have.

The final motive is simplicity and precision. Again the Cirkulacija 2 space proved invaluable for this project! CNC2 router was used throughout.

The idea came after a plan to have a performance of a p... more

Passive audio limiter

Passive audio limiter

It happens that experimental approaches have victims. These are amplifiers and especially loudspeakers. Two amplifiers and a couple of loudspeakers of Cirkulacija 2 are now dead. What was needed is an effective audio compressor/ limiter. This is it. After recent changes seems to work well.

The nature of limiter is that it instantly changes the amplification factor – the moment the input peak signal surpasses a certain voltage level – all the sound is than pushed down at the output. T... more

Dežnik sončnik vetrnik | Parapluie parasol paravent

Dežnik sončnik vetrnik | Parapluie parasol paravent

Borut Savski: Dežnik sončnik vetrnik| (Parapluie parasol paravent

Trije parazitski svetlobni objekti, ki so imeli v osnovi motiv matični ulični svetilki jemati nevtralnost in dodati svoje dinamike sprememb. Te so svetlobne lise, sence, moire in svetlobni odboji (refleksije) – skupaj: gibanje svetlobe.V praksi so potem postali samostojni svetlobni objekti – z lastno lučji v sredici.

Obstajajo tri motorizirane izvedbe teh novodobnih mobilov – dinamičnih skulptur. Postavitev ... more

Tapravi teremin

Tapravi teremin

In 2017 I decided to finish building two pieces of “classic” theremin by using the two printed circuit boars that i etched five years ago. The circuit is basically the “etherwave” theremin by Robert Moog. The prototype was built and tried successfully at that time – but then the time somehow evaporated. So this now is the psycho-disciplinary action: finishing what was started – and: something to do in-between.

I was able to do the instrument building in the wo... more

Plečniks – Omnidirectonal loudspeakers

Plečniks – Omnidirectonal loudspeakers

The two loudspeakers were built using sewer pipes. This gave the name: Plečniks (suggested by Vlado Repnik, when used in his theatrical performance in 2018 -> HONEY, CINNAMON, RAISINS AND TIME robot fugue for live art / balletquintet w/m Stefan Doepner, Marieke Sophie Werner, Borut Savski and Vlado R. Gotvan). Jože Plečnik was an architect who built most of the representative buildings (and bridges) in Ljubljana – his very post-modern idea was to use large pre-built sewer pipes as pillars ... more

Areal Vélez, Leskovšek, Savski – Argumental Landscapes

Areal Vélez, Leskovšek, Savski – Argumental Landscapes

On the occasion of Mike Hentz’ Mental Landscapes lecture at Cirkulacija 2 – a concert occurred: Javier Areal Vélez – Argentinian composer and guitar improviser came. Claiming to be open to any kind of participation he was joined by the two local strummers: Leskovšek and Savski. The recording is very good, so we decided to put it on Trivia Records.

Title: Argumental Landscapes
Artists: Javier Areal Vélez, Boštjan Leskovšek, Borut Savski
Recorded: live on 18t... more

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Artist: Borut Savski
Title: Sveti trije kralji | The Three Holy Kings (from Z.B.Ø.R. event feat. Boštjan Perovšek, Marko Košnik, Borut Savski)
Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 on 9th May 2017
Label website:

Sveti trije kralji se ne snidejo na preseku štirih vetrov, ampak treh celin – eden je črn, drugi rjav, tretji bel. Črni tleska in mljaska, ko govori, Rjavi trdo... more

Cirkulino 4

Cirkulino 4
Cirkulino 4 is a midi sequencer based on Arduino UNO R3 development board. It is an advancement from previous ones – and is final. The pcb’s were ordered to be made to professional standards.

A double boot option for arduino was found – to launch it as a native midi device ->

mocoLUFA MIDI firmware for Arduino Uno -> more