Laser for Robert Lisek

This is another build. A laser set of three modules (power supply, driver module and galvo + lasers module) from China – put into enclosure. Added audio preamp for audio XY laser deflection control from computer – and some additional midi options (switching on/ off one or more of the three RGB laser modules).

On the top left: schematic swith stereo audio op-amp preamps for XY deflection galvo control
Top middle: midi input via optocoupler to arduino (Sparkfun) promini serial input pin D0
Bottom middle: audio input layout for prototype board with optional audio sense on A0 and A1 inputs to blank the lasers when no signal
Right: arduino (Sparkfun) promini with pins D9, D10, D11 as on/off switches via small mosfet transistors (not drawn…)

Basic layout of modules and finished version in action – with audio preamp and midi control (via arduino pro mini)

Dr. Robert B. Lisek is a Polish artist, composer and mathematician.

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