Borut Savski – kasni radovi / latest works
A brief moment from the event…
Sprave i objekti predvidjeni za izložbu=sajam 3N u Palach Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019
1. SI_AI midi piano (2019)
AI_SI Piano stands for a midi trigger device based on a touchpad system found in any laptop computer – brought to a form of an oversimplified instrument that acts as piano.
Piano is one of the two model instruments of 19th Century – large, loud, complex, heavy. The other is symphony orchestra. Grand piano is a symbol of individualistic humanistic philosophies of the Enlightenment. The symphony orchestra is the symbol of industrial age – human machine – and announcing the 20th Century nationalistic and idelogic carnages. The two complementary opposites. I’ve built another opposition of the piano: small, portable, easy to use – everybody is a virtuoso | nobody is genius.
The heart of the system is arduino microcontroller. Arduino Pro micro can be set as native usb device – so it was chosen (Sparkfun Pro micro 5V 16MHz version – a Chinese clone). An old laptop (sony vaio) provided a touchpad and parts to make the instrument housing. A general midi synthesizer (GM; plus GS) serves as piano sound generating engine.
2. Robotska glava ili dvije (2018-2019)
Twin Speaks je umetna dvojica robotskih glav v dialogu. Izraznost je sestavljena iz gibov in glasov. Oboje izhaja iz telesa in je pri živih bitjih zlito v eno – gib povzroči glas in glas povzroči gib. Podobno je dialog abstrakcija na ravni vzajemnega odnosa, kjer zlitje poteka med dvema v dialogu vpetima stranema. Gib dobi protigib in glas dobi protiglas. Seveda se lahko v idealnem primeru glasova tudi združita v eno pesem. Ali razdružita v nepovezano besedičenje.
Avtonomija umetnih stvorov je zaenkrat še zelo magična, kadar jo obiskovalec zazna. Vedno povzroči, da človek entiteto identificira kot osebo – personificira. Entiteta-objekt postane identiteta-oseba (najmanj hišni ljubljenček). Umetna inteligenca (AI) v določeni meri še okrepi koncept avtonomije z (bolj) smiselnimi interaktivno-generativnimi lastnostmi. V neki točki razvoja bo umetna inteligenca postala del vsakdana. Fascinacije, magije ne bo več.
Ime projekta Twin Speaks cilja na kultno nadaljevanko Twin Peaks režiserja Davida Lyncha, kjer je prav magičnosti podeljena izjemna vloga.
Zasnova sistema temelji na mikro-kontrolerju Arduino, ki skrbi za t.i. meta-jezik / povedne gibe in mini-računalniku Raspberry PI, ki prevzame nase multimedijska zvok in vid. Osnovna komunikacija med entitetami poteka na bazičnem mikrokontrolerju, zahteve po pomenu pa so abstrahirane v računalniku Raspberry PI.
3. Bezžične senzorske kuglice IBALLS 2 (2019)
A spheric type of wireless interface called iballs. It is arduino based wireless midi controller of XZY position with some form of sequencing recording option added. Can be used as controller to play directly on the midi input to various midi-aware software or hardware.
First developed in 2014 for Cirkulacija 2 project Cultural Interfaces.
4. Cirkulino 4 midi sequencer (2017-2019)
Version 4 of this midi sequencer (orginally designed in 2012) is a cleaned up version – on the level of hardware and software. Basically a shield for Arduino Uno with 8 basic steps that can run in multiple segments with variations (1 segment: 8 steps -> 4 segments: 32 steps.
It is impossible to keep track of more than 8 steps, so the solution was to use the higher segments for rhythmic variations. For this I again used some sort of machine intelligence – to move/ jump relatively randomly between the similar variations of basic rhythmic structur and also on the level of melodics (keep to certain tonality with some variations).
Can be seen as a kind of advanced metronome.
5. Lijeva ili desna gitara (2017-2019)
A so-called travel guitar – a shorter guitar with the folded machine head. A product of 2.5D forming with Cirkulacija 2 CNC2 self-made cutter machine. This is a totally regular instrument.
6. vidjećemo šta još…
- At Arte e Robotica festival in Trieste (november 2018
- This is just a concept image – not a working robot